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Grimace Shake Horror

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Take a perilous trip to the Grimace’s stomach and destroy this dangerous creature. Outsmart the monsters that are going to help it and get to the heart. Destroy it and get outside its intestines. Play this ominous game and check if you can survive in such conditions.

Know your enemy better

In Grimace Shake you are going to face the greatest challenge you have ever met. After you drank the infamous milkshake, you saw the outraged monster right in front of you. But in spite of the fact that you have been eaten by the monster, you are somehow still alive.

Now you have to find a way to get back to the real world and to punish Grimace for its actions. Investigate the dangerous terrains of the monster’s guts and try not to fall into the acid. Luckily, the main character of the game can jump and run very well, so you are free to explore the surroundings nearly without any serious obstacles.

Travel between the locations through the intestines and reveal new peculiarities of Grimace’s diet. Here you can spot a whole rotisserie chicken and an entire can of cola lying right next to some Lego blocks. No wonder that this creature devoured you without any thoughts.

Save the victims

Turns out that you are not the only one trapped here. Once you get to the heart of the creature, you will also see the poor souls that are kept here by the Grimace’s kids that look exactly like it, but a lot smaller. They will attack once they notice you, so you need something to make them stay away from you.

You should definitely look for a gun that is hidden in one of the locations. This item is irreplaceable, as it gives you the opportunity to fight back. Even a toy gun can serve as a decent weapon in some cases. Moreover, the best feature of this weapon is that you don’t need to reload it! Simply blast around and don’t worry about the bullets.

Also, this thing can blast you up easily. It means that from the moment you find this exceptional item, you will be able to achieve higher surfaces and to use the surroundings to your advantage. For example, you can escape Grimace’s babies for some time. Or you can reach the islands where the souls are waiting. Play with the ways to apply the gun and have fun!