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Grimace Shake

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Make an attempt to execute a scary monster in Grimace Shake. You have never thought that a simple milkshake from McDonalds may cause you so much trouble but indeed it happened. You have been eaten by a terrifying purple creature that appeared after you drank the shake. How are you going to get out of this situation?

Explore Grimace’s inside world

As you have suddenly appeared inside the monster, you will be able to look at its organs and even interact with some of them. Go through the intestines straight to the stomach. On your way you are going to see everything that the monster has ever ingested.

However, you should not touch any liquids there, because it will immediately kill you! Instead, jump forward, from the huge Pepsi cans to the boxes and other garbage. At some point you should also acquire a shotgun that will help you defend yourself.

Don’t hesitate to shoot at everything that will seem dangerous to you. In this game there is no limitation in the ammo, so you may blast as many times as you want. Watch your back, as the enemies may catch you off guard really easily. Blast them with a gun and they won’t disturb you.

Moreover, your firearm may serve you in a different way. If you want to jump higher or to escape an attack, you can fire on the group right where you stand. This way you will end up in the air for a short period of time. Play with this feature and it may come in handy.

Will you defeat the monster?

Your main mission in Grimace Shake will be to destroy the monster right from the inside. It seems that Grimace’s heart is vulnerable, so you should aim in it. But don’t think that you can just approach it and make a shot. Firstly, you will have to pave your way to the necessary organ.

Besides, you will be haunted by Grimace’s small children. One at a time they cause little damage, but usually there are a bunch of them. So, you will have to fend off somehow. Bring up your gun and show these ferocious creatures that you are determined to get outside.

In addition, free the devoured souls that are languishing in the cages. Open all the cages and let the souls finally leave this place. But be swift, as you can’t stay in the monster’s stomach for a long time. If you don’t manage to get out, you will face the consequences.

Play this captivating game now and learn how the story ends. Will you be able to get out of Grimace and prove that you have survived an assault? Or will you die inside the greedy creature?