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Grimace Shake Roblox

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Play Grimace Shake and experience the terrifying atmosphere that surrounds McDonalds famous drink. The unsuspecting main character of the game ordered one and this was the biggest mistake in his life. Now you have to escape Grimace and make sure he won’t haunt you anymore.

Face your hidden fears

Once you find yourself inside the purple murderer, you are on your own. Rely only on yourself, as you won’t receive any help. It seems like the other people that Grimace has devoured turned into wandering souls that are kept here behind the lock. Release them and they will help you to destroy the most sensitive piece of the monster’s organism.

Simultaneously, watch where you are going, as you may suddenly fall into acid. This will mean the end for you. That is why you should be highly attentive and scope the surroundings in order to work out the best route. Use your character’s parkour skills to move between the islands of Grimace’s organs.

Although, you won’t be left unarmed. The gun is waiting for you in the depth of the creature’s intestines. It will be highlighted, so you won’t miss it. Play with the special features of your newly acquired weapon and reveal new paths that you can reach with the help of it.

Defeat the vicious mascot

Your only enemies in the game will be the monster’s kids who guard his heart. They will be flying around the heart and chase you if you draw their attention. Blast them as soon as you see them flying towards you. Don’t hesitate to destroy these nasty creatures, as they can approach you from the back.

These creatures may seriously decrease your health level, so you will need to look for the medical kits. Scattered around the locations, they are hard to find, but only one of them is enough to fully restore your health. Although, if you don’t want to risk your life, it is better to get rid of the danger in time.

So, fending off the Grimace’s children and jumping from one surface to another, free your allies. They are going to help you execute their murderer, but to make this idea successful, you will need all of the souls.